Monday, November 30, 2009

Up Coming events


First event of the year is local and we will be at Centennial High School on Saturday. We have a couple first year wrestlers that should enter this event. On Sunday we have a beginners tournament on Sunday. All our wrestlers should enter this weekend if not in both. Our coaches will be at Pope for this beginner’s event. If anyone has questions on how to enter or anything else let me know.

Fundraiser is due by the end of this week. I will collect money on Wednesday.

Also the optional clothing is due. Please get this to me this week.

Reminder to enter tournaments early because they can close quickly if they get filled

Heads up. Next week we are changing practice time on Wednesdays to 6:pm and will practice to 7:30 we will do conditioning from 7-7:30PM. Any questions let me know.


Coach Miller

Monday, November 16, 2009

JR Hornet Dual Meet - Milton HS - November 20th - 5:45 p.m.

Roswell JR Hornets will be participating in a Dual Meet/Exhibition at Milton High School. Any JR Hornet Wrestler that would like to participate, is welcome regardless of experience and ability. Every attempt will be made to match your wrestler with a Milton JR wrestler of similar, age, weight and ability. Dual meets with other JRs is a great experience and helps to build experience.

There will be an elementary and middle school mat. Futher in the season we will have the JRs wrestling side-by-side with the HS team on their own mat.

JR matches will be officiated by coaches from both Milton and Roswell.

Let your coaches know by Wednesday, November 18th (or as soon as possible), if you would like your child to participate. We will be working with the Milton Coaches to pair up the wrestlers.

There is no additional cost to you or your child.

We`d like to have all wreslters there by 5:45 p.m. to start at 6:00 p.m.. Please confirm as soon as possible with your Coaches at practice or send Jeff Miller an email: or via phone at 678-795-1877.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Missed Regular Registration? No problem!

If you were unable to attend one of the parents meetings and missed the general registration, no problem.

Wrestling season starts as some of the other sports are finishing. We have a long season, through to the end of February.

Mouse over on Jr Hornets on the left menu button and click on the files and forms link.

Download, print and fill out a an authorization to treat minor form as well as an application form. Club fees are $135.00 per child. The fee covers wrestling practice shorts and 2-t shirts, use of a singlet and a trophy at the end of the season.

Wrestlers can earn Roswell Letters or pins if they win 8 matches during the season at duel meets, at tournaments or exhibition matches.

Each wrestler also needs a USA Wrestling Card which can be purchased online at the Team Georgia Website: - click on the folkstyle link and then the membership link on the right hand menu (You can also get them on the, but Team Georgia is offering a discount this year, save some money!).

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Jeff Miller at 678-795-1877 or via email at

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Elementry Practice Starts Monday November 2

Practice starts tomorrow at 6:45 and will go to 8 PM. Tomorrow we will have some demonstrations on wrestling so parents are encouraged to watch.

Can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Jeff Miller

Middle school Practice Starts November 3 at 7:00 PM