If you were unable to attend one of the parents meetings and missed the general registration, no problem.
Wrestling season starts as some of the other sports are finishing. We have a long season, through to the end of February.
Mouse over on Jr Hornets on the left menu button and click on the files and forms link.
Download, print and fill out a an authorization to treat minor form as well as an application form. Club fees are $135.00 per child. The fee covers wrestling practice shorts and 2-t shirts, use of a singlet and a trophy at the end of the season.
Wrestlers can earn Roswell Letters or pins if they win 8 matches during the season at duel meets, at tournaments or exhibition matches.
Each wrestler also needs a USA Wrestling Card which can be purchased online at the Team Georgia Website: http://www.teamgeorgiawrestling.com/ - click on the folkstyle link and then the membership link on the right hand menu (You can also get them on the Mat.com, but Team Georgia is offering a discount this year, save some money!).
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Jeff Miller at 678-795-1877 or via email at jeffkarmil@charter.net