Congratulations to all Roswell Elementry and Middle school wrestlers that wrestled at Walton this weekend.
Results for Roswell Jr Hornets Wrestling Club
Roswell had 19 wrestlers entered in this tournament and 15 placed. This is an outstanding performance.
Ben Kessinger's place is 2nd 2 wins and a loss
Jacob Dwoskin's place is 2nd 2 wins and a loss
John Copenhaver's place is 1st 3 wins
Matthew Fezza's place is 3rd 2 wins and 2 losses
Caroline Copenhaver's place is 4th
Andre Holley's place is 3rd 2 wins 2 losses
Landon Ninesling's place is 1st 4 wins
Brian Slewitzke's place is 1st with 5 pins
Jonathan Kwateng's place is 1st with 3 pins
Ethan Krapf's place is 3rd with 2 pins
Ryan Willis place is 1st with 2 pins
John Bazemore's place is 4th 2 wins
Charles Routt's place is 1st with 3 wins
Ross Smith's place is 3rd with 2 wins
Isaiah Hawkins's place is 3rd
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Middle School State Duals - Hosted by Roswell/Milton
Roswell Wrestling Parents,
THANK YOU….Again! Hosting two successful tournaments in two weeks; you guys are awesome! The MS State Duals went very well and our Roswell Middle School Team took fourth in their division and seventh in the state…GO HORNETS!
Thanks again,
Bruce Gunning
THANK YOU….Again! Hosting two successful tournaments in two weeks; you guys are awesome! The MS State Duals went very well and our Roswell Middle School Team took fourth in their division and seventh in the state…GO HORNETS!
Thanks again,
Bruce Gunning
Congratulations to our JR Hornet MS State Dual Team!!!
We earned 4th place in the USAW Division and 7th Place over all (for both the USAW and Traditional Middle School Divisions) in the State!!
We are extremely proud of ALL of our Middle School Wrestlers and wish we could have taken everyone. For those wrestlers that could not participate in the State Duals, you are just as much a part of the team`s overall success as the wrestlers that competed today. Your dedication and hard work is helping to build a solid Middle School Team.
Thank you to our Coaches for their endless time effort and tremendious coaching.
Job well done to our MS State Team!! All of our wrestlers stepped up to the challenge!!!
77 - Landon Ninesling
84 - Johnny Bazemore
91 - Brian Slewitzke
98 - DeMarco Gatti
105 - Jonathan Kwateng
112 - Robert Copenhaver
112 - Rowdy Miller
120 - Charles Routt
128 - Hill Elliot
136 - Tyler Johnson
144 - Declan Holstead
152 - Ross Smith
160 - Isiah Hawkins
175 - Ryan Willis
200 - Cameron Whiteman
We have fantastic parents who are very supportive and are willing to pitch in and help! Thank you Roswell parents and volunteers for giving up back-to-back weekends to help pull off two fantastic tournaments! We had parents of wrestlers who weren`t even wrestling at Milton from both the elementary and middle school programs who stepped up to volunteer.
We have great parents, Thank you!!!
The support has been fantastic!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Parents of 2010-2011 high school wrestlers and Jr hornet parents
Parents of 2010-2011 high school wrestlers and Jr hornet parents,
Yes we are talking about next year’s wrestling parents. We need to have a meeting concerning important issues that will affect us next year. We need to get as much parent input as possible to make some decisions on growing our programs. Therefore we will be holding a parent meeting on Wednesday, Feb 3 in the media center at 7:00. There is not a high school meet that night. All parents are urged to attend to voice your opinions.
We will have a wrap up of the Jr Hornet Folkstyle Classic and the Middle School State Duals. We will report on finances from the high school and Jr Hornet programs. We will also be discussing the progress of the wrestling barn and fundraising needs for next year. Parent input is very important as needed to evaluate what we will need to finance the building. These decisions will have an impact on all of us next season so please come and be part of the decision making.
Bruce Gunning
TakeDown President
Yes we are talking about next year’s wrestling parents. We need to have a meeting concerning important issues that will affect us next year. We need to get as much parent input as possible to make some decisions on growing our programs. Therefore we will be holding a parent meeting on Wednesday, Feb 3 in the media center at 7:00. There is not a high school meet that night. All parents are urged to attend to voice your opinions.
We will have a wrap up of the Jr Hornet Folkstyle Classic and the Middle School State Duals. We will report on finances from the high school and Jr Hornet programs. We will also be discussing the progress of the wrestling barn and fundraising needs for next year. Parent input is very important as needed to evaluate what we will need to finance the building. These decisions will have an impact on all of us next season so please come and be part of the decision making.
Bruce Gunning
TakeDown President
Monday, January 18, 2010
Thank you 6th Annual Hornet Folkstyle Classic Volunteers
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! WE DID IT AGAIN!! Another successful tournament and we received great reviews. We will email everyone with the bottom line when all expenses are submitted. This tournament does not happen without everyone’s commitment and countless volunteer hours.
A few statistics about the tournament
693 Wrestlers
1102 Matches on 9.5 Mats
AM Session’s last match concluded at 12:44 ending the morning 4 mins off plan)
PM session’s last match concluded at 5:23 ending the afternoon and the tournament a little under estimated downtime of 5:40.
176 Volunteers working approx. 1,225 Hours
Hospitality dished 9 crocks of chill serving over 250 people
115 hot dogs, 150 biscuits, 110 Arbys, 240 slices of pizza, over 1000 drinks and 200 yummy pretzels sold
Everyone did a great job on their assigned tasks, others stepped up to be leaders and coordinators, and still others filled in at the last minute and this is how the Hornets are able to run such a great tournament. At this point, this is the largest Jr. Tournament in the state for the year, and will probably remain so for the season. This is only possible by our dedicated volunteers.
We want to give a special thanks to those individuals that took on specific areas (concessions, admissions, data entry, hospitality,) and ran the show. We also want to thank those families and individuals who were with us all weekend. We had several families who had all members present Friday night and all day Saturday, down to the last minute clean up. At 5:30 everyone is tired and hungry, but we still have those 20+ who are there to do the hardest and most tiring part of breaking it all down and cleaning up. Thank you!!
Now to the group of individuals who get the least amount of recognition, do the most work, and who the tournament would not happen with, the high school wrestling team and coaches. These boys had practice until 5:45 on Friday, showered at school and were putting mats down by 6:15. There were there until 10:30 on Friday night, back by 7:15 on Saturday and left at 6:30. They are the ones who do the part no one else can do. Not only do they work all day at the tables, they are the ones that carry and set up the mats. Parents of high school wrestlers, please let your son know how much we appreciate all of their hard work. High school wrestlers you are the best!!!
I can’t express enough our gratitude for your efforts to help built our wrestling program. I do also want to encourage members of our Jr. Hornets program and our raising underclassman parents to step for more leadership roles in 2011 (January 15, 2011) as we start key succession planning for the future.
Thank you again for a job well done,
Bruce Gunning
A few statistics about the tournament
693 Wrestlers
1102 Matches on 9.5 Mats
AM Session’s last match concluded at 12:44 ending the morning 4 mins off plan)
PM session’s last match concluded at 5:23 ending the afternoon and the tournament a little under estimated downtime of 5:40.
176 Volunteers working approx. 1,225 Hours
Hospitality dished 9 crocks of chill serving over 250 people
115 hot dogs, 150 biscuits, 110 Arbys, 240 slices of pizza, over 1000 drinks and 200 yummy pretzels sold
Everyone did a great job on their assigned tasks, others stepped up to be leaders and coordinators, and still others filled in at the last minute and this is how the Hornets are able to run such a great tournament. At this point, this is the largest Jr. Tournament in the state for the year, and will probably remain so for the season. This is only possible by our dedicated volunteers.
We want to give a special thanks to those individuals that took on specific areas (concessions, admissions, data entry, hospitality,) and ran the show. We also want to thank those families and individuals who were with us all weekend. We had several families who had all members present Friday night and all day Saturday, down to the last minute clean up. At 5:30 everyone is tired and hungry, but we still have those 20+ who are there to do the hardest and most tiring part of breaking it all down and cleaning up. Thank you!!
Now to the group of individuals who get the least amount of recognition, do the most work, and who the tournament would not happen with, the high school wrestling team and coaches. These boys had practice until 5:45 on Friday, showered at school and were putting mats down by 6:15. There were there until 10:30 on Friday night, back by 7:15 on Saturday and left at 6:30. They are the ones who do the part no one else can do. Not only do they work all day at the tables, they are the ones that carry and set up the mats. Parents of high school wrestlers, please let your son know how much we appreciate all of their hard work. High school wrestlers you are the best!!!
I can’t express enough our gratitude for your efforts to help built our wrestling program. I do also want to encourage members of our Jr. Hornets program and our raising underclassman parents to step for more leadership roles in 2011 (January 15, 2011) as we start key succession planning for the future.
Thank you again for a job well done,
Bruce Gunning
Middle School State Duals - Volunteers Needed - please read!
The Georgia Middle School Duals will be held January 23, 2010 at Milton High School.
We will be working to fill out our roster for the Middle School this week and will only be able to take around 22 boys with some alternates from the middle school program. We will be able to get that information out early this week.
Please watch your email for the volunteer sign up list and volunteer where you can. Don't be nervous - we need adults to help and within the USA/Team Georgia family there is great understanding.
The Dual Tournament is a joint fundraiser for the Jr Hornets and the Milton Jr Eagles. We will be using their shool but splitting the profits 50/50. Therefore we must supply half of the workers.
Every Family that has a wrestler on Saturday must work a shift and help with either set-up or clean-up. The elementary kids will be at another tournament and the high school team has a meet that day and will not be able to help on the tables.
Table workers will be scoring the matches. This is a team tournament so we will not need to do bracketing or need table coordinators. The bracketing will be done at the head table. If you have a general understanding of scoring you will be able to do it!
Bruce Gunning will be training everyone on Thursday, January 21 at 7:00 pm in the classroom by the wrestling room. There will also be someone from each team at the table to assist you if you have questions. Please realize that we have only a few days to fill our volunteer slots - watch your email and the blog for additional information.
The Middle School Dual Flyer can be found on the files and forms page under the Jr Hornet link on our main website: Roswell Wrestling
Thank you for your continued support.
We will be working to fill out our roster for the Middle School this week and will only be able to take around 22 boys with some alternates from the middle school program. We will be able to get that information out early this week.
Please watch your email for the volunteer sign up list and volunteer where you can. Don't be nervous - we need adults to help and within the USA/Team Georgia family there is great understanding.
The Dual Tournament is a joint fundraiser for the Jr Hornets and the Milton Jr Eagles. We will be using their shool but splitting the profits 50/50. Therefore we must supply half of the workers.
Every Family that has a wrestler on Saturday must work a shift and help with either set-up or clean-up. The elementary kids will be at another tournament and the high school team has a meet that day and will not be able to help on the tables.
Table workers will be scoring the matches. This is a team tournament so we will not need to do bracketing or need table coordinators. The bracketing will be done at the head table. If you have a general understanding of scoring you will be able to do it!
Bruce Gunning will be training everyone on Thursday, January 21 at 7:00 pm in the classroom by the wrestling room. There will also be someone from each team at the table to assist you if you have questions. Please realize that we have only a few days to fill our volunteer slots - watch your email and the blog for additional information.
The Middle School Dual Flyer can be found on the files and forms page under the Jr Hornet link on our main website: Roswell Wrestling
Thank you for your continued support.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
For 8th Graders comming up next year!
I have locked us in the new weight room at Roswell High beginning in March for every Tuesday and Thursday morning, from 6:30am to 7:30am. I want every kid who plans on wrestling next year and is not in a spring sport to participate. This includes all 8th graders comming up next year. If you are participating in Football workouts that will be ok. You will have plenty of time to get a shower afterwards and get to school still. We are seeing everyday that if we can't be physical and strong, we can't even execute many skills on the mat. These morning sessions will continue until May 21st, the last day of school. I am telling you this so you can prepare starting today. You should be lifting on your own at a local gym or at your house to prep your body for what is to come. Online you can find many beginner workouts with proper technique instructions. I would encourage everyone to take this just as important as practice itself. For us to take the next step in a new region next year, we must get stronger. Again, start preparing today, no excuses!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Roswell Folkstyle Classic - January 16, 2010
Roswell Folkstyle Website Information can be found by clicking here!
WHEN: January 16, 2010
WHERE: Roswell High School Gymnasium
11595 King Road
Roswell, GA 30075
REGISTRATION: $15 per wrestler. All registrations must be entered online via the Team GA TechSavy site.
WEIGH-INS: You must have your USA Card & eTicket in hand to enter the weigh-in area.
o Friday Night: Weigh-in will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. for all ages
o Saturday Morning Session: 7:00 am to 7:30 am
o Saturday Afternoon Session: 11:30 am to 12:00 pm (12U and 14U)
(Note: Skin check will be performed at all weigh-in sessions)
o Morning Session will begin at 8:00 am for 6U, 8U & 10U
o Afternoon Session will begin a 1:00 p.m. for 12U & 14U
DIRECTIONS: 11595 King Road, Roswell, GA 30075 (Mapquest)
o Nine Mats – Fan Friendly, Efficiently ran Tournament
o Awards–Medals 1st,2nd, 3rd.4th
o Admission (standard for all TEAM GA Events): Family - $7, Adult - $5, Child - $3
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Roswell Hornet Folkstyle Classic is now a qualifier for Ohio Tournament of Champions
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Hey Guys
I posted the Hornet Classic Flyer on GNWA in the kids section as well. If you are interested in seeing how the varsity is doing, please keep up with us at our blogsite as well. You can click on the link at the right for all individual results.
Monday, January 4, 2010
6th Annual Roswell Hornet Folkstyle Classic

click Here
WHEN: January 16, 2010
WHERE: Roswell High School Gymnasium
11595 King Road
Roswell, GA 30075
REGISTRATION: $15 per wrestler. All registrations must be entered online via the Team GA TechSavy site.
WEIGH-INS: You must have your USA Card & eTicket in hand to enter the weigh-in area.
o Friday Night: Weigh-in will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. for all ages
o Saturday Morning Session: 7:00 am to 7:30 am
o Saturday Afternoon Session: 11:30 am to 12:00 pm (12U and 14U)
(Note: Skin check will be performed at all weigh-in sessions)
o Morning Session will begin at 8:00 am for 6U, 8U & 10U
o Afternoon Session will begin a 1:00 p.m. for 12U & 14U
DIRECTIONS: 11595 King Road, Roswell, GA 30075 (Mapquest)
o Nine Mats – Fan Friendly, Efficiently ran Tournament
o Awards–Medals 1st,2nd, 3rd.4th
o Admission (standard for all TEAM GA Events): Family - $7, Adult - $5, Child - $3
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Out standing showing in Jefferson this weekend
Congrats to all Roswell wrestlers that attended Jefferson this weekend. I want to say a special Conrats to Ethan Krapf for his first Ever tournament championship. He took First place in the U12 130 weight class.
We brought home 2 First places, 2 second PLaces and four third places. As a team we finish fouth overall. This was a great showing by all.
All our stats are listed on under jr hornet and click schedule. THen click on Jefferson.
The pig was severed and is a tradition for this tournament.
Lets work hard this week.