THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! WE DID IT AGAIN!! Another successful tournament and we received great reviews. We will email everyone with the bottom line when all expenses are submitted. This tournament does not happen without everyone’s commitment and countless volunteer hours.
A few statistics about the tournament
693 Wrestlers
1102 Matches on 9.5 Mats
AM Session’s last match concluded at 12:44 ending the morning 4 mins off plan)
PM session’s last match concluded at 5:23 ending the afternoon and the tournament a little under estimated downtime of 5:40.
176 Volunteers working approx. 1,225 Hours
Hospitality dished 9 crocks of chill serving over 250 people
115 hot dogs, 150 biscuits, 110 Arbys, 240 slices of pizza, over 1000 drinks and 200 yummy pretzels sold
Everyone did a great job on their assigned tasks, others stepped up to be leaders and coordinators, and still others filled in at the last minute and this is how the Hornets are able to run such a great tournament. At this point, this is the largest Jr. Tournament in the state for the year, and will probably remain so for the season. This is only possible by our dedicated volunteers.
We want to give a special thanks to those individuals that took on specific areas (concessions, admissions, data entry, hospitality,) and ran the show. We also want to thank those families and individuals who were with us all weekend. We had several families who had all members present Friday night and all day Saturday, down to the last minute clean up. At 5:30 everyone is tired and hungry, but we still have those 20+ who are there to do the hardest and most tiring part of breaking it all down and cleaning up. Thank you!!
Now to the group of individuals who get the least amount of recognition, do the most work, and who the tournament would not happen with, the high school wrestling team and coaches. These boys had practice until 5:45 on Friday, showered at school and were putting mats down by 6:15. There were there until 10:30 on Friday night, back by 7:15 on Saturday and left at 6:30. They are the ones who do the part no one else can do. Not only do they work all day at the tables, they are the ones that carry and set up the mats. Parents of high school wrestlers, please let your son know how much we appreciate all of their hard work. High school wrestlers you are the best!!!
I can’t express enough our gratitude for your efforts to help built our wrestling program. I do also want to encourage members of our Jr. Hornets program and our raising underclassman parents to step for more leadership roles in 2011 (January 15, 2011) as we start key succession planning for the future.
Thank you again for a job well done,
Bruce Gunning