Proof of another great year. This season we had the most State placers ever!!!
We crowned 1 State Champion Ryan Willis. Congratulations to Ryan for an outstanding season.
We had two third placer which are Cameron Whiteman and Jonathan Kwateng. Both of these wrestlers were first year wrestlers and had a great season.
We also had 3 4Th placers which had a great season. Robert Copenhaver, Charles Routt and Rowdy Miller. Congratulations to these wrestlers.
It just doesn't stop with them. We had 16 kids hit the mats yesterday and fight with all they had. I watched our guys use what they were taught and wrestle outstanding matches. Placing in State isn't easy and all of our guys were prepared.
I want to that the coaching staff for all the hard work and time. I also want to thank the parents that support our program and spend all those hours in the gym watching our kids.
Hope everyone had a great State experience. Our State has some of the toughest wrestlers around.
Go Roswell I'm proud of everyone.