Wednesday, April 20, 2011

NOW is the TIME!!

Time to sign up for the Team GA National duals teams and experience another great trip that will make memories to last a lifetime, as well as help each of you start that climb to the HS State podium!

Team GA has already paid to take TWO full teams for EACH duals team so we are fully committed to take as many boys that want to go. The board has lowered the price by half this year (you are paying only 25-30% of the true cost). Team GA needs to finish sign ups in about a week so we can complete our ordering for buses, uniforms, hotels, etc. All you have to do is go to and sign up just like a tournament, pick "national teams", add your information (sizes, etc), and put down your $100 deposit. It doesn't get easier than that!!

Nationals:................. Ages:.......................Camp:........Place:......Competition:.....Place:
Schoolboy Duals $250:...Born in 1997 and 1998.. June 1-3.....School.......June 8-12........Indianapolis, IN
Cadet Duals $375:....... Born in 1995 and 1996...June 10-12..Darton..... June 14-18......Daytona Beach , FL
Junior Duals $375:....... Born 9/1/91 & after.....June 19-21..School......June 23-27......Oklahoma City, OK
Fargo Nationals $800:...Cadets and Juniors.......July 5-10.....Shorter....July 14-24.......Fargo, ND